Big renovation projects are equal parts exciting and daunting! If you’ve made the decision to renovate or build on your property, you may be scratching your head at where to start. This guide is to help order which tasks to tick off first, so your renovation planning goes smoothly.
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1. Budget Your Renovation
As much as we’d all like to splurge on our home improvement projects, for most Queensland homeowners, it’s all about finding a good balance between cost and delivery. The first thing you should do is sit down, crunch some numbers and figure out a comfortable budget before you start planning a renovation.
There’s no set price for renovations in Queensland, but the average ‘home-improvement’ spend is $63,118 in Australia. With that in mind, call around and do some research to make sure your renovation planning is within budget. We recommend getting quotes from a few builders so you can compare them for the best offer. Just be clear about what the quotes include or exclude, as you can expect to pay extra for materials, labour and other fees, taxes, GST and levies.
To help homeowners who want to buy now and pay later, SEQ Patio Group offers manageable lifestyle payments for a range of patios and carports starting at $24.95 per week, interest-free.
2. Council & Builder Consultation
Council building and renovation regulations may vary between regions, so always get approval from your local council before commencing any big projects. As a general rule, internal renovations don’t usually require council approval unless they involve structural changes. However, the Australian Government says “most external renovations, extensions or building work will [require approvals]”.
Depending on what builder you go with, some companies cover all council approvals as part of their service. SEQ Patio Group is one such business that takes the hassle out of renovating your home. We source all approvals needed to get your patio or carport build started right away.
3. Visualise The End Goal
A trusted builder will be able to provide proof of work or even get some digital mock-ups done to help you visualise how your renovation project will look once it’s complete. If you’re planning more complicated structural redesigns, consider bringing in the help of an architect or building designer who can draw up some professional blueprints for your vision.
It can be hard getting a proper idea of how the space will look just from base mock-ups alone. An interior designer will help take the plans provided by your builders and show what the end result will look like when it’s fully furnished. They can be expensive to hire, but many customers feel more comfortable with renovations when they can visualise the end goal.
4. Create A Time Schedule
A planned schedule will save you plenty of time and effort, especially if you’re carrying out a bigger-scale project. No one wants their home to be a construction site for long, so a plan can help you keep on top of when people will be working or not.
Create a list of every job that needs to be done during your renovation, in order. For example, it’s best practice to have your patio built before your deck is installed. Oftentimes, the best builders are booked out months in advance, so if they can’t complete their job right away, you may be waiting a while for them to come back. A timeline makes sure these mistakes don’t cost you time and money in the long run.
5. Cyclone & Weather Resistance
We get our fair share of rain in the sunshine state! Depending on where your home is located, advanced weather systems can be a big risk. The Flood Resilient Building Guidance For Queensland Homes offers information on improving the flood resistance of Queensland homes. If you want to protect your assets, it’s best to account for extreme weather before it happens.
6. Track Your Paperwork
It doesn’t matter if you hire a project manager, as the homeowner, you’ll want to keep track of all paperwork and timelines. Things don’t always go as planned on a work site, so keeping your invoices, receipts, contracts and plans organised can cover you in the event that something unforeseen happens.
Build Your Dream Patio With SEQ Patio Group
The first renovation or home-improvement project that many homeowners tackle first is building a patio or carport. SEQ Patio Group will set you up with the patio or carport of your dreams. Plus, our interest-free repayment options allow you to build now and pay later. Call us today!